The long awaited Vanderpump Alain Home Line is finally coming to fruition. With Lisa Vanderpump's passion for glamorous and elegant pieces and Nick Alain's exceptional design and manufacturing expertise, Vanderpump Alain is a project that brings together two extremely creative aesthetic sensibilities into the perfect collaboration. Vanderpump-Alain have two substantial projects so far in their partnership, TomTom, which had the honor of being voted Southern California's best bar, and their most recent opening, the luxurious Vanderpump Cocktail Garden in Caesar's Palace, Las Vegas. While finding pieces for these projects, both Vanderpump and Alain constantly strived to find unique and innovative products that no one else had, and ultimately started creating their own. Vanderpump Alain will bring the ideas they have imagined into the design market, bringing forth their inspired creations of grand light fixtures and exquisite furniture, indoor and out. Vanderpump Alain Home Line is set to be another massive project for this dynamic duo, and they are very excited about their launch.

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